You’re thinking, “That Shafeen’s really gone over the edge. He thinks Cheney is evil incarnate, and he admitted to voting for Obama in 2012.”
Listen to Senator Obama’s 2004 DNC speech, and you can't help but conclude, “This man is the anti-Republican.” He certainly campaigned that way in 2008 and 2012. But actions speak louder than words, and President Obama’s actions belie his rhetoric.
When I think of Little Dick (Nixon was clearly “Big Dick”), I think of a secretive, war-mongering, manipulative person.
President Obama:
Transparency: He promised to be the most transparent President ever.
- This White House has classified more documents as Secret or above than all others. It has used the Espionage Act to not just protect our national security, but to prevent embarrassment.
- Reporters consider this to be the least open presidency in the last 40 years. (And that’s because no-one who covers the White House is old enough to go back further.)
- No White House since Nixon has more aggressively prosecuted leaks than this one. Does he have more to hide than Big Dick?
Peace: When he was elected in 2008, the rest of the world rejoiced in possibility of a less self-centered, less unilateral, more humane partner. He was even awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in anticipation of future actions.
It would be hard to find a bigger advocate of the Bush Doctrine (really the Cheney Doctrine) than President Obama. From his first actions in 2008 (dramatically increase US military presence in Afghanistan), to his lack of action on Guantanamo, to his passion for drone strikes, to his flaunting of the 5th and 14th Amendments (due process), to his persistence in the War on Drugs (Fast and Furious), our President has lived the “do it to them before they do it to us” policy (Cheney Doctrine).
Domestically, President Obama was given an “F” by the Brady Campaign on gun control in 2010. While the rhetoric improved some in the wake of Sandy Hook, outcomes have not.
Genuine: Listening to his speeches (especially during the 2008 campaign), it was hard to imagine someone more genuinely committed to being genuine. I know people who basically worshiped at their Shepard Fairey altars. Their man Barak was going to lead the world to peace and humanity.
But he hasn’t. He has distanced America from world leaders (and citizens) by spying on them; a ripple effect of which will cause American businesses to lose as much as $35 Billion in global revenue by 2016.
Even the President’s signature Affordable Care Act is premised on a Republican model, and his change in stance on gay marriage was forced by circumstances vs. a real belief in the issue.
Little Dick would be proud...
I have often railed against MBAs, accusing them of being the curse of American business success, forsaking macro-success in favor of their own macro-successes. I have similarly accused CEOs that rely on their PR department to craft business strategy based on what will “play best” as being just plain stupid.
If Obama is our Macbeth, then his advisors are our Lady Macbeth. They have subverted his intent, and acted without scruples. It would not surprise me if many of his “people” are MBA/PR wonks, but it does disappoint me.
When you put expediency before integrity and spin before accountability, there is no high ground. If you look at its work product, this Democrat White House is disarmingly Republican.
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