In a few short hours, one wasteful, unscrupulous, liar will be chosen to serve as the most powerful man on earth.
This man will have won this right by wasting more than a billion dollars advertising to witless voters; by further polarizing the people against his opponent/party; and by lying.
The level of causticity that permeates politics in America has dangerous side effects:
- Bifurcation of the populace. Most Americans are so indoctrinated (brain washed?) by this that they not only have an abject hatred for whichever party they oppose, but they also hate their fellow Americans that support that party!
- America the global laughing stock. As a recent American, and perhaps still an outsider, I can say with certainty that the best impression American politics leaves in foreigners’ minds is bemusement; the typical impression is disdain.
- Governing is impossible. The Tea Party REQUIRES their candidates to pledge to never compromise with either the Democrats or “unenlightened” Republicans!?!?
We can’t let this continue.
I propose that six days before the next presidential election, the candidates are required to participate in the following debate:
- Each party will select three ads authored by their opponent’s campaign, and one ad authored by an outside agency (PAC or Super PAC) and submit them to the moderator six (6) hours prior to the debate.
- Logistics:
- Duration: 90 minutes
- Setting: opponents sit across from each other at a table arranged so that one camera can show both faces.
- Audience: 300 people - evenly split Republican, Democrat, Independent; each will have a device with which to choose between “Righteous” and “Sleaze Bag.”
- Structure:
- eight 10-minute segments for the eight ads.
- closing segment with one minute each to "explain."
- remaining minutes used at the discretion of the moderator.
- Approach - a coin toss will choose the first speaker.
- Candidate A is given a transcript of one of his ads and required to read it aloud while facing his opponent (one minute).
- Candidate A will then have one minute to explain the ad.
- Candidate B will have two minutes to rebut.
- The Candidates will argue for six minutes (fact-checked by the moderator).
- The audience will assess (see 2.3 above) Candidate A, with the results appearing in real time for all to see (including the Candidates).
- Repeat for each ad. The Moderator will decide the order of the ads.
- Close - each candidate will have one minute to explain themselves.
- Optionally:
- Viewers at home can also add their votes via text, mobile app, or the internet.
- Candidates’ seats are metal with electrodes through which voltage corresponding to the level of “Sleaze Bag” as judged by the audience is applied after each segment.
Some might think 4.2 is going too far...
Because the opposing Candidate is selecting the ads, they will be very prepared for the rebuttal. While the choice of ads will be a surprise, the Candidate should know their own ads, after all they approved them. The moderator will have fact-checked the ads and confront any lies.
- The voters will be able to judge the Candidates’ integrity.
- The Candidates will publicly confront and defend their own lies as, as well as one "independent” lie.
There is no way (given today’s laws) to prevent political “free” speech. But by confronting their own ads in this way, we at least turn them from three-year-olds to twelve-year-olds.
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