In this time of reflection, I've been asking myself - what monumental legislation did the US government pass over the last 30 years? What laws have had a profound and lasting effect on people, the economy, and the world's view America? I thought of two - the War on Drugs and the War on Terror: WoD: jailed the second-most people in history (after the internment of the Jews during the WWII); cost $billions in increased law enforcement, court delays, prisons; demonstrated to the world that America cares less about its people and more about self-righteous politics. WoT: created the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security (aka the War on Americans), killed more Americans than 911 (and counting) with wars in Iraq/Afghanistan; cost the American economy $trillions; proved to the world that everything looks like a nail in America, because the only tool they have is a hammer. Have drugs or terrorists been defeated? Is America better than it was before either War? 2011 brings us an even more polarized nation/government; a revitalized Republican Congress; and impending redistricting based on the 2010 Census that will allow the newly-elected State and Federal politicians to draw the lines of their district to ensure a partisan electorate and future reelections. This is a perfect storm, giving Congress the impetus to "do something big" in 2011. I think they will want to declare a War on something. Potential "enemies" - overall government spending (nuke all socialist programs); repealing the Health Care Bill; and Education. The average age in Congress is 57, we have an increasingly aging electorate, and lest we forget, the Republicans are also known as the GOP - the Grand Old Party; Medicare, Social Security, etc. are relatively safe. Health care - the incoming Congress is already contemplating repealing ObamaCare; but the Democrats will (per the deal on tax cuts) negotiate some tweaks, but keep the essence intact. That leaves Education, where costs are rising, performance is declining, and (pro-Democrat) unions are strong. The latest PISA scores (OECD global student achievement testing) have the US toying with average, while others are excelling in literacy, numeracy and science. This, despite spending more per student than almost every country in the world. Powerful ammunition in the right hands... Congressional Republicans are supporters of school vouchers (un-bundling the public school budgets, giving parents vouchers to pay their child's tuition at a school of their choice); a "free market education system"; and they are strong supporters of faith-based schools. With an increasingly polarized electorate, and armed with equally polarized candidates, the extreme right (conservative, pro-religion, pro guns, pro-military, anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, anti-socialism, etc.) are stronger than ever. They advocate Family Values, and want to see America restored to its "rightful path." According to Pew Research, American scientists are 55% Democrat, 32% Independent, and 6% Republican. If you can stomach her, listen to this speech - Palin is a political force with a large and energized following, and the wit and vocabulary to incite them to action. She appeals to that growing extreme right who wishes to take back America from the "intellectual snobs that have put us in this mess," and to return America to "just plain folk" vs. those elitist science-mongering snobs. Scientists aren't their people; science disputes Intelligent Design; it questions their right to burn coal and petroleum (GOP disbands committee on global warming); it advocates for stem cell research, abortions, and all manner of foul and evil acts; science disputes the very existence of God. How might the next war be declared? Here's a possible excerpt from the speech: America was a proud and honorable nation, standing on the shoulders of great men who gave their blood for her freedom, and so that our children could fulfil their dreams, knowing that they were protected from all forms of evil. My fellow Americans this is no longer the case. Today we are weak, our values are eroding, the very nature of the American family is in question! We must rise once more! We must take back America, restore her to her rightful place as the land of the free and the home of the brave, as the one nation under God. Our journey begins with our children. Our schools must reflect our vision, our potential, and our values. The public school system - from the buildings to the curriculum to the teachers - is a failure. Decisive action is required. Starting today, American parents will receive vouchers to choose a school for their children that aligns to their values and morals, and that teaches the tried and true curriculum that built this once-great nation. American baby boomers are the most educated and successful community in history; we need schools that teach what they were taught and in the way they were taught. The voters are demanding a stronger, faith-based education system that adheres to these principles. We have heard you, and will match your voucher if you choose to place your child in a qualifying school, thus doubling the funding for the "right" schools. This free market approach, which again goes back to our roots, is how we will take back America, restore our children's education, and take back our schools. Is it really that far-fetched to imagine the incoming Congress declaring a War on Science? Most of us know the term D.T.s to describe addiction withdrawal symptoms. America is going through the Delirium Tremens right now with the Wars on Drugs and Terror and soon, science. But why? Every war was declared with the intent of restoring the good old days. If this declaration succeeds, it could very well drive America back into the 17th Century with trials in Salem for the Mark Zuckerbergs of tomorrow. Congress needs to go into rehab, do the 12-Step Program and rid itself of this addiction once and for all. No addiction is healthy, and an addiction to war is the least healthy of all.
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