This episode aired in November 1999. I imagine that we're talking even more about enemies today than ever before in the history of this country.
Recall the refrain during the last election cycle. In both primaries and during the general election, the most frequent discussion was about the ability of the candidate to deal with people or organizations deemed to be against America. In previous elections, it was about being tough on drugs, or tough on crime. In fact, it wasn't possible to win unless you were able to demonstrate that you could hunt and jail people! In every case, the dominant voice is negative. It's about "them" being bad, and "us" being good. It's about eradicating them (whether the "them" are American citizens or not) to product us.
There is truth to the fact that placing trust in someone will create trustworthiness. For example, if you ask a stranger at the airport to watch your bags while you go to the loo, your bags will be safe when you come back.
Looking for the good in people is very likely to result in good being found. Looking for the bad in people will, guess what? result in bad being found.
Now go further, if the person that thinks the worst of you has a full belly, a large home, cars, TVs, and lives in a place of relative safety, health and prosperity, how would you feel? What is your natural reaction?
And now imagine if no matter what they did, we embraced them.
For example - instead of imprisoning and jailing drug addicts, what if we embraced them, helped them, and gave them the means to manage their addiction? Would we have more people in jail or less? Would we have more contributing members of society or less? Would we have more active drug addicts or less? Would the nation be spending less money on crime and more on prevention and help? Yes. Is that a good thing - yes!!
The rest of the world once viewed America as the promised land; they believed the words on the Statue of Liberty. It now views America as a mass of self-ordained moral superiority that looks upon the rest of the world with disdain.
We talk about enemies more than we used to.
I was just watching a rerun of one of my favorite shows - The West Wing, specifically an episode from the first season entitled Enemies. This episode ends with Josh Lyman (Deputy Chief of Staff) solving a problem for the President in a very smart and elegant way. And at the very end, he says to the President "Mr. President, we talk about enemies more than we used to."
Put yourself on the other side of this. If someone thinks the worst of you, believes you're evil, thinks that you are less than they, what is your natural reaction?
I was recently in a place very much like what's pictured here; where predators, prey, hundreds of species all live together in harmony. They have found a way, despite having much smaller brains than we have. They allowed us in their world without judgment. I remember being in the midst of a school of hundreds of yellow snapper, in that case they allowed us in their very midst, to in some way participate in their rituals.
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